
bill cunningham new york

 I finally, finally got to see the Bill Cunningham New York documentary yesterday at Village East Cinema. It was such an intimate glimpse into the life and vision of someone who just loves fashion so much. He loves what he does so wholly and purely, it was amazing to see. Bill Cunningham had his own unique way of cutting through everything and everyone in fashion and just seeing it for what it is and what it means to people. The man has an amazing memory for fashion, too. It was also very moving documentary about who this man is – and in many ways, he's still a bit of an enigma. What a character. What an inspiration. I am so glad I finally got to see it. It was appropriate that I see it while in New York City, too.

GO SEE IT if you can.  


mama styling

It's already Mother's Day where my mom is. So I figured, a slightly early post would be just fine. 

That's my mom in the center of the photo with her cousins next to her. I recently finished restoring this image. I love this photo so much. Everything about it.  I even kept the skewed angle it had originally been scanned in. Perhaps it's simply because I love her look in this photo. She's beautiful. It must have been taken of her in the 60s before I was ever born. I really first learned about style and how to love clothes from my mom. She did dress me and made a lot clothes for my sister and me when we were young. It made me think: my mom was my original stylist! ;) 

Thanks, Mama. Happy Mother's Day! 

I love you.


dr. martens, how you've changed!

I strolled past the Dr. Martens store on Queen West this week – mostly out of nostalgia. Needless to say, I left with this pair of wedges. I was surprised to learn that the shoe company I wore like a uniform back in the day and loved dearly had evolved (remember the New Wave era?). I used to live in my 8-hole Docs with a POINTY toe in high school, thank you very much. I still remember buying them (on sale for $80!) on Melrose Ave. in LA. This was back when my black turtleneck wearing days began. Back when I made clothes for myself, bought a lot of vintage and rode on the back of my friend Barry's Vespa everyday to school. Docs have had a longer history, of course, especially in the UK. The resurgence in popularity in the past few years is thanks to the return of everything 80s. To me, Docs are synonymous with listening to bands like New Order, Modern English, The Psychedelic Furs and watching Pretty in Pink. They were synonymous with rebelliousness. It wore Docs back when I was crimping my hair. They hold a particular significance to a specific time in my life. It was before I worried about rent and debt and when boys would still call me on a landline. 

So I was curious to see whether they might have some new (maybe more refined?) boot silhouettes I might want to consider for the fall. But as soon as I saw these wedges, I stopped looking anything else. And you know what? They're unbelievable comfortable. Just like the boots. And they're a perfect grey. I couldn't help thinking: 'Well, well, well. Dr. Martens look at you now.' They still make the original boot (now called 'vintage' of course) and I might have to buy myself a pair. You know, for old times sake. 

The manner in which they brand themselves is so consistent with how I've come to remember them. It's an evolution and at the same time ...not.


Dr. Martens 1461 shoes - Sceptered Isle from Dr. Martens on Vimeo.


more than a dress

images via

There aren't many articles of clothing that I lose my marbles over. But this All-saints Anais trench dress is one of them. I blogged about it back in August, some of you might recall. But a big move and various budgetary constraints prevented me from purchasing it. At the time, the importance of buying a dress paled in comparison to everything else going on around me. Then I realized recently that it was still available (yes, I was still thinking about it) and it is now on sale. I could NOT pass it up.

I have to say, it's probably the best dress purchase I've made in the last year (or two). It's perfect for spring and fall. It's impeccably tailored, it's modern and classic with an edge. And unlike most dresses I buy that require some alterations (specific body-type reasons). This one will only require two buttons above the waist to be re-located, you could say. Otherwise, it fits me like a glove. I have been very impressed with the construction of all the dresses I've ever purchased from All-saints. Their mostly neutral (and black) colour palettes really work for me I'm just really not usually a rainbow-brite kind of woman. 

I realize this is only a dress. There are numerous things going on in the world that are far more important. Who cares? Well, it's been a very tough winter, a lot of adjustments to make and a big (HUGE) life shift. The people who know me best understand this. Spring is (arguably) here. New and exciting ventures abound in more ways than one (more on that later). This represents a fresh start. Sometimes, a great dress especially this one carries with it a kind of significance that gives you that extra little bit of flourish. And sometimes, it's all you need to feel good again ...and that's very ok.


blog birthday no. 2 + a giveaway!

Wow. It's been two whole years since I started this blog. I can hardly believe it! I can only hope that you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed sharing :)  

To celebrate, I am giving away this beautiful scarf necklace designed by my good friend, the talented, Melissa Clemente. It's one of my favourite pieces of hers this season. It's made of a very soft knitted yarn (100% cotton). It's the coziest kind of necklace to have on in the winter.

To qualify to win: check out her website, follow her Tumblr or on Twitter and leave a comment and your email address below. You'll have until Friday, February 4th at 6pm to enter. The winner will be chosen at random. Good luck! 

For those of you in Toronto this Saturday, February 5th: Come by the Drake Hotel between 9am and 4pm for The Guilty Pleasures Designer Sale and you'll be able to see and purchase Melissa Clemente's jewelry. I will be swinging by there, too. So come by and say hello :)   


on being photographed : george pitts, an artist at work (part 2)

Having the opportunity of being photographed by a master like George Pitts is something I will remember for the rest of my life. Finally getting a chance to have a look at a few of his final selections is, to put it mildly, very exciting. So here are some of the results of the photo shoot in July. In case you missed my original post, these photos will be considered for publication in George Pitts' upcoming fine art book for Taschen. The subjects for the book will consist of provocative photographs of women 35 and over. I am intrigued by this project and deeply honoured to be asked to be a part it. I was, needless to say, thrilled to be shot by such an accomplished artist. 

Prior to the shoot, George Pitts did ask me whether I would need help with hair and makeup. Having reasonable faith in my own ability to handle this, I chose to do it all myself. I also didn't feel as comfortable working with someone who's work in this arena I wasn't familiar with. So I also wore all my own clothing and jewelry. I wanted to look timeless, elegant and definitely did NOT want to look as though I was in costume. 

The whole experience was incredibly liberating. I was beside myself that whole day. I learned new things about who I am through the experience. I definitely pushed my own boundaries and forced me to confront my own insecurities. Although I consider myself to be quite confident (generally speaking) there is NOTHING quite like being photographed without your clothes on. It was as empowering as it is humbling. As someone who is already hyper-aware of popular imagery, it is a challenge to view my own photos without the filter/bias of commercial photography in advertising. I had to also come to terms with the idea of being photographed in a more provocative manner. This is something that became all the more real after actually seeing the final photographs. Another interesting discovery I made is that although I typically am pretty attached to eyewear (which I have worn and identified with for years and years), my favourite photographs turned out to be the ones where I am NOT wearing them. I actually like the way my face looks without the glasses. A bit of a surprise for me. 

These photos have memorialized a time, age and place in my life here in New York that I can fondly look back on when I'm, say, 60. In many ways, this year has presented more challenges and changes than I have ever gone through. In many ways, it seems quite appropriate that this transitional period be recorded – on film, no less. Thank you to George Pitts for the amazing photographs, the incredible experience and dialogue. 

To see the rest (and more revealing...) photographs, you'll have to wait and see if they make it into the yet-to-be-named book. ;)



hair : 1988 to 1998

All the discussions with my Twitter gang last night about the 90s music and haircuts inspired the excavation of this hilarious collection of photos. It's actually been a fun process looking back, flipping through all my old photo albums. Admit it, you had a crimping iron too! How did I manage to look old in 1990? It must be the spiral perm! And note the turtleneck I wore back in high school under one of my dad's shiny old suit jackets (that is when the whole turtleneck thing was born). Some of these outfits and eyewear were just as hilarious as the hair. I'm also pretty amazed at how short I cropped my hair in the mid 90s – my college days. Having a sister and (then) boyfriend who were both photographers made it virtually impossible to not be photographed. I'm still scarred by the reaction of my male friends to my new short hair: total disappointment. All in all, this whole thing makes me realize the following:  

1) In life, you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

2) I'm old.

3) I appreciate all those years SANS social media.

With that, I'd like to propose to other Gen-X bloggers to post their haircut photos between the years 1988-1998. At least make me feel a little less like an idiot! 

1988-1990  crimped to spiral (left: 10th grade school portrait + right: high school graduation portrait)


1991-1994 crunchy to vintage


1995-1996 baby bangs and platinum streaks  (left photo by John Morstad, right photo by Caroline Mangosing)


1996-1998 cropped to shaggy (left photo by Caroline Mangosing

anais trench dress : allsaints spitalfields

I've found THE dress purchase I will make this fall. The Anais Trench Dress
by Allsaints Spitalfields is the one. It's an even better version than the 
trench dress from the spring. I'm in love. Can't wait to wear this with a
pair of sexy ankle boots. 

As a side note: will fashion finally move on from this American Apparel school
of cheap jersey and back to a bit more ELEGANCE? Maybe my tastes have just
grown up. What do you think of recent trends? 


waterfall necklace summer sale!

Here are the last of my waterfall and tribal pattern necklaces! They're on sale!
Check out the prices below. The colours shown are the only ones I have left. 

8-layer waterfall necklace now $35 (orig. $50)
in coral red or black (one left of each color)
also available in medium chocolate brown (not shown)

3-layer waterfall necklace now $15 (originally $25)
in gold and orange (one left of each color)

tribal necklace with bells now $15 (originally $25)
multi-colors (red/black/white -OR- yellow/red/green/black/white/blue - shown above)

I take cash or Paypal payments and can ship anywhere :) 

mom style


my mom
I recently took on the task of meticulously restoring old family photos, most of which have been damaged over the years. This portrait of my mother in the early 70s was no exception. It was drawn by my aunt Amelia (Mel) in pencil/charcoal. She definitely captured the likeness and essence of my mom here. I thought it would be a perfect homage to my mom for Mother's Day. I mean, how chic is her haircut? I must mention, too, that my mom ran a clothing company for women and children when I was young. She loved dressing us. My sister Caroline and I (before my youngest sister was born) were often her models (and fit models).
So for the woman who dressed me early in life, kicking off a lifelong love of clothes and fashion, Happy Mother's Day!
I don't see my mom too often since she lives in Manila. I love and miss her.
Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there :)


the waterfall necklace for spring/summer 2010

For those new to my blog, you may not be familiar with these tribal necklaces. I thought it would be a great time to (re)introduce them for spring. They are hand made by the T'boli tribal women in the Philippines – the longer ones take up to two weeks to complete. It's made of tiny beads and stitched together with thread. I'm loving the whole tribal chic trend that is still very hot this year. This is the real deal. Every time I wear mine (esp. the 8-layer version) I get stopped, I get comments. Both my sisters (my models below) will tell you the same thing.

Please let me know if you're interested! I take payments via Paypal and I can ship anywhere (shipping fees vary).

Long (8-layer) $50
Tribal pattern with bells $35
Short (3-layer) $35

The colors shown are what I have at the moment. I may be able to get more but not for at least a month. I also have a chocolate brown one in the long (8-layer) version available as well. I will sell at a first come, first serve basis. Note: since these are handmade, there are slight differences between each necklace. I am taking color requests for my next shipment ASAP. The tribal ladies make what they want to make – I have no say in the matter ;) So hopefully I can get it for you. View some of the colors that I've sold in the past here.

**UPDATE** I'm sold out of the yellow 8-layer necklaces and I have a red one coming. The other colors are still available. First come, first served.

Questions/orders? Email me here: myturtleneck [at]

yellow waterfall necklace

tribal necklace with bells

small 3 layer gold waterfall necklace

small 3 layer waterfall necklace in red

a score and a dream


The arrival of spring brings me endless inspiration. It's sunny outside and New York is looking oh so stylish again after the desire for style took a nap following multiple grey, snowy episodes. For the first time in many months, I'm wearing one of my safari shirt dresses (with worn-in boots –sans tights)! I couldn't be happier. Below are two things to start me off:
How great is this Twosome ring by Erica Anenberg? I scored it via the waitlist on Gilt Groupe on a barely legal discount. It's my new badass-meets-lady ring. I love contradictions.
In other news, these gorgeous Ipswich Brogues by Rachel Comey (via Le Train Bleu) are too expensive for me to buy. But a girl can dream...



inspired headwear : casa de rodriguez

I stumbled into this little bespoke hat shop called Casa de Rodriguez in the LES this weekend and learned a couple of new things. I spoke with the owner, David Rodriguez, who has been designing hats for 18 years. He started out making hats out of burlap marijuana sacks – which I thought was great. Nowadays he makes custom and ready-to-wear hats in many, many styles. I loved the shop and even got a quick tour of the large workroom/studio in the back where all of the beautiful creations are made.

He and I talked hats for a while. Apparently, a good rule of thumb when it comes to choosing hats is that the top of a hat should match the shape of your face. Who knew? I told him that I do love fedoras in the spring and summer months (and do own a linen one) but found it tough to find one I look good in. He, of course, knew not only exactly which hat would fit me, but which shape would work on the very first go. I tried this beauty on (directly below) and it was perfect on me! It actually suited me. It also reminds me of long, lazy summer days. I assured him I would be back for it asap. I cannot stop thinking about it now.

Anyone else out there into hats? If you're in New York, go check out this shop.

the ever enduring shirt dress

I wake up each morning hoping for more spring-like weather. I couldn't help but prematurely look around for my spring staple, the enduring shirt dress. I've blogged about my love for the shirt dress before. For years it's been an integral part of my wardrobe – worn with flats or high-heeled sandals – depending on the occasion. They are very versatile and always looks put-together. Below are a few of my favourites. I cannot wait!

1) Alexander Wang Safari Double Breasted Dress with wrap belt – *TOP PICK*: LOVE the unique, flattering, modern cut! ( Shopbop or La Garconne

2) Day Birger Et Mikkelsen Sunshine shirt dress: it's all about the ruffles (Net-A-Porter)

3) Lucky Jeans Denim Shirt Dress: defines effortless. Love it. (Lucky Brand)

4) Vivienne Westwood Striped Shirt Dress: I love the collar on this sexy, uniform-like dress (Zappos Couture)

5) Boden Cotton Shirt Dress: Beautiful fabric and looks just so effortless. (Boden USA)

spring : raise your hand if you're ready


As I look out my window and see the snow on the ground, I feel as though spring is never going to get here. It is way too early for this but I couldn't help but daydream about what I'd like to wear when the weather gets warmer. I start with the shoes this time. These are just insanely cute. Besides, I often start with what shoes I want to wear on any given day and build the outfit accordingly (doesn't everyone?).




uploaded by myturtleneck

1) Boots from Anthropologie
2) Jacket from Rugby
3) Henley Shirt from ShopBop
4) Scarf from Martin & Osa
5) Shorts from Revolve Clothing
6) Bag from JCrew


if i were a man : oki-ni


Men's footwear doesn't get nearly as much air play as women's footwear. But trust me guys, we notice them – especially if they are nice. At least I do. I actually know a few (yes, straight) men who are really into footwear and fashion. I love a man with good taste.
I ran across Oki-ni shop a while ago and remembered how much I loved their well-curated shoe collection. I couldn't for the life of me remember the name. I recently stumbled on it again. If I were a man, this is where I would shop.


grey boot worship


My color this season seems to be grey. I like the idea of breaking up an all black outfit with grey ankle boots. I've gathered my favourites below. I'm conflicted about whether I prefer the idea of cozy ones vs sexier ones. What do you think?

I nearly fell over. HOT!
Rosegold Fold-over Ankle Boots from Saks

Rosegold Sarah Slouch Booties from Shopbop

Ok, it's black and white tweed and not technically grey but how cool are these?
Eley Kishimoto – Sectioned tweed shoe-boots from Farfetch
I love these wooly boots with the leather details!
80%20 Eliotte Charcoal Ankle Bootie from Eilatan


the girl from ipanema


The Girl From Ipanema is probably my all-time favorite song. I didn't realize it was originally released in 1964! I was born in the 70s and I have distinct memories of this song being played a lot on the radio in Manila well into the early 80s. In fact, I remember first taking a liking to this song while sitting in the back seat of my dad's tricked out, two-door blue Datsun (tricked out meaning he installed eight speakers into it – probably not common then. This was years before surround sound!). We'd typically be driving to one of my grandmothers' houses on a Sunday afternoon. So my love of bossa nova started in the 70s.
Other memories/images conjured up by this song:
1) tropical weather
2) beaches
3) bikinis
4) sexy Brazilians
I found this corny version on youtube (clearly from the 60s). I thought it was season appropriate. The version I love the most is by Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz (audio only).