
hair : 1988 to 1998

All the discussions with my Twitter gang last night about the 90s music and haircuts inspired the excavation of this hilarious collection of photos. It's actually been a fun process looking back, flipping through all my old photo albums. Admit it, you had a crimping iron too! How did I manage to look old in 1990? It must be the spiral perm! And note the turtleneck I wore back in high school under one of my dad's shiny old suit jackets (that is when the whole turtleneck thing was born). Some of these outfits and eyewear were just as hilarious as the hair. I'm also pretty amazed at how short I cropped my hair in the mid 90s – my college days. Having a sister and (then) boyfriend who were both photographers made it virtually impossible to not be photographed. I'm still scarred by the reaction of my male friends to my new short hair: total disappointment. All in all, this whole thing makes me realize the following:  

1) In life, you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

2) I'm old.

3) I appreciate all those years SANS social media.

With that, I'd like to propose to other Gen-X bloggers to post their haircut photos between the years 1988-1998. At least make me feel a little less like an idiot! 

1988-1990  crimped to spiral (left: 10th grade school portrait + right: high school graduation portrait)


1991-1994 crunchy to vintage


1995-1996 baby bangs and platinum streaks  (left photo by John Morstad, right photo by Caroline Mangosing)


1996-1998 cropped to shaggy (left photo by Caroline Mangosing