
a fresh perspective


During my juice and smoothie cleanse, I've been trying to focus on fruits and vegetables. It's been about getting back to fresh, simple and pure. While shopping at Whole Foods to supply my fridge this week, I was inspired to take these photos. Perhaps I took the photos to be inspired. Either way, I particularly love the lettuce looks. I got close enough to abstract the forms and allow it to take on a whole new kind of beauty.
I realize that by doing the cleanse, that it's really something I need to do regularly. It truly does make a difference and it's a great reminder that I don't need as much as I think I do. It's also not so extreme when you allow yourself to still have a healthy dinner.


days for a cleanse

I've been contemplating doing a juice cleanse since the holidays. I've somehow managed to find endless excuses to not start one. But this weekend, I finally stopped by my local juice/natural food store about it. So the plan is to have two green juices and a fruit-only smoothie a day and still have a healthy dinner. I'm keeping myself open to the number of days I will keep this going. I am now on day two and I feel fine. The caffeine withdrawal was pronounced yesterday (as I expected). But I got through it.

A few years ago, I was juicing at home everyday. It took dedication but I was committed to it. I was eating healthier than I ever had. I looked better than I ever had. What could be healthier than all those live enzymes, and unprocessed nutrients? Then my juicer broke, I eventually found excuses not to do it.

I feel as though the process of a juice cleanse clears up more than your digestive system. It's a chance to clear your mind and to be more conscious (once again) of what you're putting in your body. It's a chance to reboot, so to speak. We not only put our system through a lot of hard to digest food, but also stress and fatigue. There's no better time than the present to do flush out and be kind to your body. It's very doable. I'm so glad I finally got around to it.

Here's what I'm having:
Green Juice (morning and afternoon) – cucumbers, green apples and spinach (it's my fave!)
Fruit Smoothie – blueberries, banana and a little apple juice