lexie's seventh

It's Lexie's 7th birthday today! She and I have been through A LOT together, she has been my trusty (and occasionally naughty) sidekick. I adore her beyond words. And who wouldn't? Look at that delicious face? I accidentally forgot her birthday last year. I missed it by a couple of weeks. It was during a very stressful time before my big move out of New York. I think I might buy her a hotdog this year and just let her devour it. That ought to make up for my birthday neglect last year!

We had a scare this weekend and thought she might be really hurt. So I'm thrilled that the her vet felt that she is fine (likely a sprain of some sort). I just need to keep my eye on her. It was a huge relief. 

This outtake from Lexie's photoshoot by my photographer friend Young Jung makes me laugh. She caught Lexie in the precise moment. 

Happy Birthday to the SWEETEST little dog in the whole world.