make it real

If there was a jewelry item that I become very attached to, it's rings. I purchased this ring last year and I've literally worn it to death. I call it my "lady brass knuckles." It's been commented on more than any other ring I've ever worn – particularly by men. I was getting it replated every few weeks at a local jeweler (for not much money) only for the it to fade not long after. This jeweler suggested I get the ring replicated in real gold. He explained that the reason the replating didn't last is because the ring wasn't made of real gold on the inside. He gave me a great price. Apparently, it's done with a rubber mold to precisely match every angle and crevice. It was a simple enough design. It was done in two days and the result is amazing! It looks FANTASTIC. Even the engraving on the inside was replicated. I love the idea of giving a favourite piece of costume jewelry and making it something I'll actually want to hang on to and wear for way longer than a season or two. I think I've outgrown disposable fashion. I just want to try to have less of it and just have more of things that endure.