my spring/summer necklace picks

The warm weather always means necklines get more exposure. I'm usually much more inspired to shop for jewelry during the spring and summer. Fortunately there are plenty of interesting, beautiful and affordable options around. Here are some that stood out to me in my searches...

I bought this to wear with my birthday dress and I've been wearing it almost daily. It's by Crave Jewelry on Etsy. It's unique and cute without being too cutesy.Β 
I'm a huge fan of Erica Weiner's work. If you haven't checked her out, you must. It's old world remixed. Sexy. Love it.Β 

Below are more Etsy picks:

SandandFibersΒ (I recently snagged this one too)

I'm not normally into bows, but I really like this. It's cute but grown up. By Shuplite on Etsy.